United Nations vs Israel and the End of the World ONLINE EDITION "Jerusalem will be... burdening the world... all the nations of the earth unite in an attempt..." - Zechariah 12:3 LB view/save as PDF also available as a paperback book Home Bible Prophecies Don't Endorse Israel's Behavior As Foretold, the Nations Are Already United and Prepared to Act But the Bible Contradicts Itself - Doesn't It? Many of the Prophecies Have Already Come True Jerusalem a Problem for the Whole World Ezekiel's Prophecy: a Coalition Attack on a Restored Israel Will You Have Seven More Years to Decide? God Doesn't Send Natural Disasters - Or Does He? Anti-Semitism Foretold in Scripture The Holocaust Foretold in Scripture? Jerusalem, Canaan, Sodom and Today's World "Chosen People" - Chosen for What? Promised Seed "Promised Land" - Promised to Whom? "Holy City" Promised Messiah An Islamic Antichrist Daniel's Beasts and the Beasts of Revelation What Jesus Said about Jerusalem and the End of the World How to Survive Many "Christians" Won't Survive What Happens Next? America's Role Nations United and Resolved Why Do Churches Fail to Preach about the End? Are You Ready? Prophecy Timeline About the Writing of this Book Dedication, copyright, ISBN & Scripture references Contact |